Spring has finally sprung in Grey County, unfolding that spectrum of colours we so miss during our long winters. It just seems natural that this awakening of rainbows also marks the start of Pride Month, a celebration of the LGBTQ2S+ community throughout June. Owen Sound is kicking off the occasion in style, first with a Pride flag-raising ceremony, followed by the Owen Sound Pride Parade.
Although flying a Pride flag may seem like no big deal these days, it will mark a milestone for this town as the rainbow stripes are raised at City Hall for the first time since 2005. The Pride flag has been displayed at the Bayshore Community Centre in June for the past 2 years, yet there is something significant about its return to the heart of downtown.

The flag is a beautiful symbol of diversity, and bringing it to the forefront of Owen Sound is a big step toward creating an inclusive community. Hosted by Grey Bruce Pride and the City of Owen Sound, the ceremony will take place on Friday, June 7th at 9:00 am and will be followed by refreshments at The Ginger Press.
The next morning, June 8th, put on your brightest colours and sparkliest glitter and head down to 2nd Avenue East for the second annual Owen Sound Pride Parade! The family-friendly parade begins at 11:00 am and follows 2nd Ave. from 10th Street to 7th Street, and it’s open to the entire community.
As parade founder, Ryan Brown, explains, “It’s a celebration of love and life and pride and happiness.” Really, what better reasons are there to celebrate? Once the parade wraps up, dance your way along the route to Bruce Grey Child and Family Services for music, barbecue, face painting, and kids’ activities. After the huge success of the events last year, this year’s planning committee decided to hit the ground running with post-parade festivities. Even more local businesses and organizations have reached out in support, and it sounds like it will be one heck of a great afternoon.
Come on out with family and friends and let’s celebrate love!
Written by Sarah Goldman
Photos by Amber Vee